10:00 - Welcome reception of participants
10:05 - Opening speech
Eng. Alcino Lavrador (General Director at ALTICE LABS)
10:40 - Asymmetric threats
BGen. Ana Telha (Director of Communications and Information Systems at Portuguese Air Force)
10:55 - The importance of a robust governance for an effective cybersecurity strategy
Eng. José Alegria (Chief Information Security Officer at Altice Portugal)
11:25 - Security by design in Product Innovation
Eng. Miguel Biscaia (Head of Technology at Altice Labs)
11:40 - Risk mitigation using cybersecurity
Eng. Marcelo Rodrigues (Director at PwC)
11:55 - Interlinking physical and digital security
CP - Comboios de Portugal*
12:10 - Intervention
Eng. Javier Jarauta Sanchéz (Director of the Master in Cybersecurity at Universidade Pontificia de Comillas ICAI-ICADE in Madrid and Head of Cybersecurity Strategic Demand Generation at SIA)
12:25 - Closing Session
Prof. Telmo Vieira (Managing Partner at PremiValor Consulting)
12:30 - 14:00 - LUNCH BREAK
14:00 - Online and personal reception of participants
14:15 - Jury Presentation
14:20 - Elevator Pitch (TOP 5 Students)
14:50 - Elevator Pitch (TOP 5 Startups)
15:20 - Keynote Speaker - Mike Sigal
"Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain and Web 3.0"
15:30 - BREAK
15:50 - Delivery of certificates of 1st Edition of Cybersecurity Executive Program
16:00 - Official launch of 2nd Edition of Cybersecurity Executive Program
16:05 - Faculdade de Ciências Universidade de Lisboa
Prof. Luís Carriço (Director of FCUL)
16:10 - Feedback of 1st Edition
Fernando Braz de Oliveira
16:15 - Winning Projects Award (to be announced by the Jury)
16:30 - Closing Speech
Eng. José Alegria (Chief Information Security Officer at Altice Portugal)
* To be Confirmed